Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Night Visitors

So last night I was playing video games (was kicking peoples hind ends from around the world). At some point I went to do some read. About this time I figured out that it was 2:30 in the morning. Whoops. Then I heard someone stomping around on the deck. I knew who this was. Walked over and flipped on the light. Nope I was wrong. It was mother raccoon with her 5 babies. I opened the door a bit and was yelling at them to leave. They just looked at me. When I stuck a food out and started stomping on the deck mother decided to leave and sit at the base of the tree and hiss. The babies scattered a bit. Three climbed the railing and went a little ways up the tree. The other two huddled in the corner of the deck. At this point I shut the door and found my camera. As I was getting setup one of the babies decided that it liked the corner of the deck better. So it walked over that way. Mother was still hissing up a storm, and as she was pretty big so I decided to not go too far out on the deck.