Friday, January 25, 2008

From "Factory Physics" 3rd edt

Two-thirds of the world's lawyers practice in the United States where there are 1,000 lawyers to every 100 engineers. Japan, on the other hand, has 1,000 engineers to every 100 lawyers (lamm 1988, 17)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hawk had breakfast with me

I was having breakfast this morning at the kitchen table, watching the small birds have breakfast too. All of a sudden something large flew across the window, low and fast.

All that was left were talon marks in the snow and some feathers.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Axe vs Maul

The axe is the one with the two blades on it and the whole thing is shiny. It is light and easy to swing. It also doesn't split wood very well.

The maul on the other hand is heavy, and has two little separator things that help split the wood. They do this by folding out when they hit the wood and tend to push it apart. When there is no more pressure on them they are pulled back in by springs. They do a great job.

The only thing the maul didn't work well on is soft (rotting) wood. In which case the axe was the tool of choice.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A little break

There was a very small deer that was around this weekend. It came back to eat around 9pm and stayed past 11:30. We ended up throwing more corn out for it at 10.

You can see the messed up fur on the one deer. When they sleep their body heat melts some of the snow/ice and freezes into their fur.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Albino Squirrel

She was a small squirrel that was chased off the bird feeder (even by small birds) when she first showed up. We started chasing away other squirrels and now she is full sized and has had at least 3 litters.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Broken Wine Glass

I had poured some wine in a glass and gone to another room for 10 minutes. Heard glass breaking, and came back to find a mess.

Fox Squirrel

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Iceland Vodka

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Lens Test

I borrowed a 70-300mm VR lens tonight. Both at ISO 1600. Auto ISO is your friend.

1/8s at 450mm effective

A midnight snack. 1/6s 250mm effective.