Thursday, October 28, 2004

I doubt any one reads this but I am also thinking about picking up a storage unit to dump my images off to. From looking around most of them are exactally what I do not want. They can display them images, and the battery life is WAY to short with very slow transfer times. I don't want to display the images on the portable unit, I have better resolution on the camera display. But when one thinks about it for a second you are only seeing about 1/30 of the pixels. I can't see how sharp that is, or how the image will really look. Heck I can't even do that very well on my laptop which runs at 1600x1200. The other thing is battery life. All of these things apper to have around two hours of life. Well take the 521MB CF card plug it in wait 25 min for it to copy and all of a sudden the device is only good for a day or two of shooting before recharging. What am I to do when I am out in the wilderness and recharging is not possible? Hmm it looks like 2GB microdrives are only $130 with 4GBs comming in at $219... looks like I have a new toy. Posted by Hello
I spent some time tonight takeing low light images with my Canon S30. There are a few shots that were OK. 15 second exposure is not all that great. What I have come to understand is that I can usally get away with not using a tripod durring the day, can't do it when it gets a little darker out. So I am going to break down and buy one when the D70 gets back... which brings up that who ever is negotiating for Ritz Camera with Nikon is either stupid or really sucks at their job. When one moves that high level of volume you should be able to get the first batch of cameras and maintain a good flow of them. Posted by Hello

This is a composite from the last few images i took with my D70. It was very close to my fathers (pictured here) 50 birthday. To the eye this scene appeared dark. Amazing what one can do in the dark room, digital or not. Posted by Hello

The green glare is from the reflection off of my car. I have no idea about the physics of how that happened, but that is the color of my car. Posted by Hello

I swear the building in the backgroud looks like something from Soviet Russia... but maybe I am just biased. Posted by Hello

Geese Posted by Hello

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Tahoe Posted by Hello

Friday, October 22, 2004

Also hand held but it was lighter when I took this image. Posted by Hello

And with a tripod. The secondary red dot (and other ghosting) is a result of the light being reflected/refracted between the two sheets of double pane glass. Posted by Hello

This image was taken hand held. I braced (wedged) myself against the desk, window, and window supports. Posted by Hello

Some of the rivers have a great deal of Iron in them (it is called the Iron Range). Interesting colors like this can be found. What is really great is when this dark water hit the clear water of the lake. It was something that is difficult to believe you are seeing. Posted by Hello

I love the north shore of Lake Superior Posted by Hello

Into the river below.  Posted by Hello

people were jumping off the very high rocks... Posted by Hello

This is a panoramic of 28 images take over the course of about 2 minutes. What really struck me while looking at this scene is the vast array of color and textures. The light blue patch just over the house constrasts with the yellow/orage and grays. Also the smooth clouds on the left versus the jagged to the right. One can see an artiface of the stiching in the stree that appears from no where. It could have been taken out, but I like it there. Posted by Hello

I know the world has enough pictures of sunsets... and I still really like this one. Mostly because I was there. Posted by Hello

Main conference hall for ACM SIGKDD 2004. The screen are huge, and I know it is hard to tell but there are close to 800 people in that room. Posted by Hello

Silver River, Mt. Rainer, WA Posted by Hello

I got to talk to some people from Google yesterday. They were all very interesting, and sold me once again on how cool of an operation they are. Everything was about inovation and how to solve problems, with some very nice perks. There was one comment that I found amusing which related to the GMail filesystem. It appears that they do not like it very much. Use the email and do interesting things with it is the idea, not store lots of files. If one wants to use google on the file system check out Google Desktop Search. Posted by Hello

Panoramic of the valley. This is shot from one of the lower spots one can stop. There was a better view from high up but being so tired I didn't even think to take a picture much less a pan. Posted by Hello

The river is about where we started. Then a nice hike through the pine trees on the near side, and the Birch (maybe popular, I have a picture of the trees if you want to see) and up that very steap hill in the foreground. Corry's Pass, Banf Posted by Hello

I said I was laying down to take a picture, my brother claimed I fell over and hit my camera. Corry's pass, Banf Posted by Hello

View from half way up Corry's pass in Banf. The lower clouds are an inversion of warm air on the bottom, cool air above it. Posted by Hello

Magpie on the streets of Banf Posted by Hello

First Post

I should be adding previous images as well as keeping the site current.